Friends and partners

Moray Wastebusters

We help pass it on

Our environmental purpose, is to save perfectly good items once destined to be thrown out. Previously there was no option but to dump things no longer needed, but at Waste Busters items can now be saved and given another life, and put back into the local community.

Donated items are checked over and passed on at bargain prices. Proceeds from this environmental activity create jobs for local people and help the non-profit meet its social aims.

To pass on items free to local community groups, local charities and schools  

To provide supported placements and volunteer opportunities

To offer free educational visits to local schools and interested groups

You are welcome to come along for a rummage. We have a constant turnover of furniture, refurbished bicycles, tested electrical items, household items, diy, books, toys, games, sports stuff, garden items, seasonal bits and bobs, and much more

Remember ‘One person’s rubbish is another one’s treasure’!

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Forres Area Community Trust (FACT)

What we do . .

FACT is a local development trust for Forres, in Moray, Scotland. We have three passions for the Forres area, which are at the heart of everything we do:

Developing citizenship and our community through helping residents and organisations to be involved in rural regeneration, promoting civic responsibility, supporting volunteering and the voluntary sector, as well as running our own charitable projects to develop and support our communities.

Protecting our environment, culture and heritage by involving local people in caring for our area, preserving and protecting the Town Hall and our other important places, and encouraging visitors and sustainable tourism across our area.

Advancing independence, employability and lifelong learning by giving people the skills and support they need to access important services, providing advice and guidance for learning and work, and providing training opportunities to help them be the best they can be.

In addition we own and manage the Forres Town Hall and offer use of it for community, business and leisure activities.

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Forres Area Forum

Our Area Forum is a constituted group which provides a platform for local people and community organisations to come together to influence the planning and delivery of services in their area and across Moray.

What do they do?

  • Finds out the concerns of local people (individuals and community organisations) and listen to their views on the issues that affect them.
  • Brings together local people and community organisations so that they can work in partnership.
  • Identifies local priorities and works with others to produce a Area Action Plan.
  • Encourages and supports existing and newly formed community groups to engage in and take responsibility for particular actions within the Area Action Plan.
  • Lets people know about the Area Forum and the Area Action Plan.
  • Responds to consultations from Community Planning Partners.
  • Works with the other Community Planning Partners to achieve the long term goals as set out in the 10 Year Plan which can be viewed here.

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Forres Community Woodland Trust

Special places to enjoy peace and quiet

The woodlands in and around Forres are highly valued community assets. Forres Community Woodlands Trust aim to utilise the potential of these woodlands to provide a wide range of community benefits.

These include  providing local people and visitors to the area with ready access to special places to enjoy peace and quiet, healthy exercise, education and recreation.

Our vision, therefore, is to maintain and enhance the Trust’s woodlands as bio-diverse habitats which provide recreational and educational opportunities

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Forres in Bloom

‘We Love Where We Live’ is the motto of Forres in Bloom (FIB), a group which has been in existence since 1990. Over the years the town has won Gold Medals in Britain in Bloom, Champion of Champions and Beautiful Scotland.

In 2013 the local council reduced support to local groups, and FIB has maintained its high standards by working with local partners and young people to enhance the quality of life and create better and sustainable environments in the historic Royal Burgh.

In 2021, Forres in Bloom were joint winners of the Community Horticulture Award: Forres in Bloom has a long-standing commitment to improving the local environment. Initially this was through traditional floral displays, but the group have adapted as times have changed, taking on more responsibilities as council resources for horticultural displays have diminished. The group have maintained their high standards whilst extending the breadth of their work to include work with children and to include more sustainable environmental practice.

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Transition Black Isle

Transition Black Isle is about helping Black Isle communities thrive in the face of Climate Change.  We run community markets, we support local food and drink producers, we help people grow more food, we encourage non-car travel, support energy saving and promote reduction of single use plastics  – and much more.  If we in the Black Isle work together to manage more of our own resources, we can thrive despite whatever climate change and the end of fossil fuels throws our way.

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REAP (Rural Environmental Action Project) carry out ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION IN THE COMMUNITY to make sustainability relevant for people locally

REAP is an environmental charity based in Keith in the North East of Scotland since 1997. REAP work with communities and partners locally to raise environmental awareness and tackle economic inequality. Current projects include community food growing, energy advice and grant administration. REAP has a volunteer Board of Trustees and Directors (see ‘Our People‘).

REAP have developed a great reputation locally for professional, impartial and effective work. Funders and partners trust us to deliver (and often exceed) on our outcomes and targets. People we’ve worked with say things like:

‘Enthusiastic and committed staff make a valuable contribution to addressing fuel poverty in Moray’ and ‘Very knowledgeable staff, friendly and approachable”

“REAP staff made sure everyone was suitably supported, trained, and happy with the tasks

“Working with REAP has been a really exciting and beneficial thing to do”

REAP uses different ways of engaging with the community at all levels to empower people, including fun, bespoke sessions with a wide variety of groups and individuals.

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Moray Food Network

Food poverty is on the increase in Moray. Moray Food Plus is working hard to support people who through no fault of their own find themselves in crisis. Reasons for this are varied but include changes in personal circumstances, illness, welfare reform, low income, and unexpected bills.

The crisis service works on a referral basis from agencies such as social work, housing and health. We also accept self-referrals, please contact us for more information. Once a referral is received a team of volunteers make up a food parcel containing three days’ worth of food – we can also supply pet and baby food on request. If the referral is received by 11.30 a.m it will be ready the same day. We do not deliver direct to people’s houses but can deliver to the referrer, an agreed collection point, or parcels can be collected from the office.

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