Green shoots workshops at TTF

As part of our on-going Green Shoots project, TTF is delighted to be hosting several gardening workshops in the coming months.

Save these ones for your diary! Free events, booking essential via Event Brite.

1. Scything – green streaming, Saturday the 26th of August, 2-4 pm (ages 18+)

2. Composting – the alchemy of making Black Gold, Saturday the 30th of September, 2-4pm (ages 15+)

3. Cooking your harvest – from plot to plate, Sunday the 29th of October, 12-2pm, (all ages – family event)

Tool Library Volunteers Needed

Can you volunteer a few hours to help establish a tool library in Forres?

Forres Tool Library promises to help folk who can’t afford to access the gear that they need, without resorting to buying cheaply made products that break down quickly, and those who find their homes cluttered with gadgets that they rarely ever use but still want on occasion.

We need a few helping hands in two main roles, temporary and ongoing:

Continue reading “Tool Library Volunteers Needed”

New Hatha Yoga Classes

Join our Hatha Yoga with Teresa Berg 🙏Regular Yoga Classes:

Tuesdays 10:00 – 11.15 and 19:00 – 20:15

Thursdays 19:00 – 20:15

Fridays 10:00 – 11:15

Yoga workshops: ‘An in-depth study of Asana, Pranayama and a Yoga Nidra.’ 2023 workshop dates below:

Saturday 25th February, 10am – 12.30pm

Saturday 29th April 10am, – 12.30pm

Saturday 24th June 10am, – 12.30pm

Saturday 26th August 10am, – 12.30pm

Saturday 28th October 10am, – 12.30pm

Saturday 23rd December 10am, – 12.30pm



For bookings, enquiries and more information, please contact

Come to the AGM!

It’s that time of year when the formal business gets done.

We will hold an in person AGM, at our centre at Bogton Road, Forres, on the 19.03.2022. The AGM will take place after our Repair Cafe. For those not attending the Cafe please note that formalities begin at 4 pm

After the AGM we will be sharing food and will take the opportunity to have a more informal catch-up.

Just a quick reminder that some things have changed since our last AGM. 
Our new Constitution redefines membership. Our ordinary members -those of you who live within the boundary of  Moray Council Ward 8 (Forres)- may vote. Other members are warmly invited to contribute but do not have voting rights.

Any ordinary member who can’t attend can vote by proxy. If you would like us to send you a proxy notice please contact We will email or post one out to you.

Click HERE to see this year’s AGM agenda and HERE to see last year’s AGM minutes.

The formal part of the meeting will deal with Trustee and finance reports. We will also share updates on our projects and plans for the future and deal with the resignation and appointment of Trustees. As ever our door is wide open for anyone who wants to join the Board. 

We hope the informal part of our meeting will begin at 5 pm.

We hope to see you there!

Saturday 19 March, 4-6pm